Number 511
Origin Sarab
Material Camel Hair
Style All Over
Type Tribal
Size 695 x 105
Age 2536
Does what it says on the lid. This is one of the longest camel hair runners we have seen. 10 medallions in a row line the central axis. Decoratively speaking, this is a very useful and handy item for anyone with a large. hallway or long corridor.
For historical reasons this runner is mind-blowing for being one of a handful of known rugs to bear a date in the Shahanshahi calendar. Introduced by the last Shah of Iran in 1976 it was only in use for 3 years before being discarded by the new regime. Its first year, 2535, commemorated that number of years since the founding of the first Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great in 559 BC. Its last year was 2537. This runner was woven in 2536 or 1977/78 and is remarkable for showing how such royal propaganda so quickly permeated rural tribal society.
You can't only be a customer of Hadi Maktabi. While his main purpose is rug dealing, he starts with story telling and ends with history selling. That's what I call high-end art curating and closing it all with an entertaining friendship. George El Hani, CEO Levica, Lebanon 🇱🇧
“You don’t just buy a rug from Dr Maktabi... It’s an experience, a rich one! You learn about history, culture & art. And more importantly you feel euphoric!” Dr Siamak Abolhassani, Expert Medical Care Clinics, Victoria, Australia 🇦🇺
Acquiring a piece from my dear friend Hadi is truly a journey. We start that journey with a lesson and detailed background on any piece that is of interest. After a thorough discussion regarding the chosen piece or should I say marvel, since Hadi's pieces are truly marvels, Hadi guides us into why he would advise us to acquire it or go for another of his marvels that would suit us more than the one initially chosen. This sincere advice always makes us feel that we are generously taken care of by Hadi. The learning process and honesty in guidance make us go back only to Hadi whenever we are looking for our next beautiful piece for our homes. All I can say is thank you Hadi for your impeccable guidance and service. Abdullah Al-Awadhi, Kuwait 🇰🇼