Number Sold
Type Village
Material Wool
Style All Over
Origin Bakhshayesh
Size 310 x 300
Age 1870
Square sizes in antique rugs are extremely few and far between. I see one this old perhaps once a decade. The rustic charm this carpet possesses gives it infinite decorative appeal. The layered borders are earthy in tonality and are complemented marvelously by the aqua blue field with its all over style (a Mina Khani derivative) and gorgeous abrash.
You can't only be a customer of Hadi Maktabi. While his main purpose is rug dealing, he starts with story telling and ends with history selling. That's what I call high-end art curating and closing it all with an entertaining friendship. George El Hani, CEO Levica, Lebanon 🇱🇧
J’ai fait la connaissance de Hadi lors de la préparation de l’exposition « L’Empire des roses, chefs-d’œuvre de l’art persan du 19ème siècle » qui a eu lieu au Louvre-Lens en 2018 et à laquelle il a participé par le prêt de tapis exceptionnels. J’avais alors été impressionnée par ses connaissances et sa passion pour les tapis orientaux. Cette rencontre a marqué le début d’une collaboration riche et fructueuse. Elle a notamment permis au musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac de voir ses collections iraniennes s’enrichir de plusieurs tapis et tentures dont certains n’ont pas leur équivalent dans les musées occidentaux. Ce que j’apprécie chez Hadi ? C’est son professionnalisme, son dynamisme et l’engouement qu’il a pour son métier ! Hana Chidiac, Curator of the Middle East Department at the Musee Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, Paris, France 🇫🇷
Hadi Maktabi and his staff provide comprehensive and thoughtful services to collectors and textile buyers worldwide. His knowledge of antique oriental rugs and textiles, including many fine offerings from the Levant, is unsurpassed. We have been loyal customers for over five years and have visited his Beirut premises. He has worked with us upon several occasions to select the exact Ottoman and Levantine pieces we wanted for our collection. You can be sure of quality and honesty when dealing with Hadi. Penelope and Timothy Hays, Just In From The East Collection, Florida 🇺🇸