Number 113-4
Type Workshop
Material Wool
Style Medallion
Origin Kashan
Size 208 x 137 each
Age 1930
Perfect condition, elegant drawing with a rich color balance based on an attractive cherry red.
Purchasing carpets from Hadi Maktabi was the epitome of professionalism and joy. Hadi is an expert curator, purveyor, historian and story teller. His passion, knowledge, professionalism and expertise are evident every step of the way. With a wide range of choices and prices, prompt service, and fast sipping, we had our carpets in Sydney in a matter of days. The ultimate flying carpet experience! Zeina Tebbutt, Sidney, Australia 🇦🇺
The idea of purchasing valuable rugs and other artwork online from an overseas seller is daunting for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that, not being able to examine and feel the rug for yourself, you are never entirely certain that the origin, age or condition of the rug corresponds with the dealer’s description. For me, I could never take this step unless I had absolute trust in the integrity of the dealer, and my recent experience with Hadi confirms that my faith in him was well placed. Every detail of the antique rug expertly explained by Hadi was accurate and when I finally received the actual rug, it turned out to be even more stunning than his photos depicted. F. Alsagoff, Singapore
As a carpet collector of 30 years, I have noticed a decline in the amount of truly unique and high quality carpets on the market. I have also noted a decline in the knowledge of merchants, generally. Hadi Maktabi stands against this trend as a both a curator for and an educator of his clients. His offerings are well-researched, museum quality carpets that are both singular and expertly chosen. In dealing with Hadi, I have experienced excellent communication, a high standard of service and extremely pleasant interactions. Warren D., Hong Kong 🇭🇰